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Market & Portfolio Review: 10-23-23

In this week’s Market & Portfolio Review, we provide an update on how we believe the ongoing stock market correction is impacting stock prices at the sector level and the overall breadth of the market during up and down days.

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Market & Portfolio Review: 10-16-23

In this week’s update, we will do our best to unpack the events of the past week and use history to better understand how such events impact stocks. We will also look at how relations with Iran may impact oil prices and then look at sectors that may be able to withstand and possibly thrive under the pressure of high inflation, rising rates, and geopolitical instability.

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Market & Portfolio Review: 10-2-23

In this week’s market update, we are going to provide an update on the current stock market correction, how much downside we see, and what areas of the market, we believe, remain resilient in a tough tape.

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Take Advantage of Higher Interest Rates TODAY

If you’re looking to secure a stable income for years to come, now may be the perfect time to consider investing in bonds. With today’s high-interest rates, the window of opportunity to lock in impressive yields is open—but it may not stay that way for long.

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Market & Portfolio Review: 08-28-23

In this week’s update, we want to review the ongoing stock market correction, use history to gauge how much prices may correct, and look at what stock market leadership may look like as we exit this period of discounted stock prices.

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Market & Portfolio Review: 08-21-23

In this week’s update, we discuss the current market pullback within the context of historical corrections, areas of the market we believe are showing potential signs of leadership, and what we think interest rates mean for asset allocation, growth stocks, and value stocks.

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Market & Portfolio Review: 07-31-23

In this week’s update, we are going to discuss how rising energy and food prices, combined with a gradual slowing in GDP growth, could be setting the market up for a stagflationary environment in the second half. We will also look at what portfolio’s strategies have worked and not worked during similar historical periods.

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Market & Portfolio Review: 07-24-23

In this week’s update we are going to review the action in Tesla, Taiwan Semiconductor, and Netflix and what clues the earnings calls and stock reactions may give us about the path forward in IT. Second, we will review the impact of rising commodity prices on inflation expectations, interest rates, and asset allocation.

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Market & Portfolio Review: 07-17-23

In this week’s update, we will review how the depreciation of the US dollar impacts inflation, commodities, and overall asset allocation. We are also going to review the technical backdrop of the oil and precious metals market and why we think the current cycle mirrors the early innings of the 2000-2010 commodity super cycle.

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Market & Portfolio Review: 07-10-23

In this week’s update, we are going to review the recent employment report, some of the cracks we have started to see in the technology trade, the energy sector’s role as it relates to inflation expectations, and how investors can use energy stocks to potentially protect themselves during times of stagflation.

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Market & Portfolio Review: 07-03-23

In this week’s market update, we attempt to answer the questions: What impact will a bursting bubble in tech have on the market and your portfolio? And will the busting bubble impact the real economy or stay contained to technology?

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